
- born in Ettelbruck (Lux) on the 26th of November 1977

- works as an independent artist and art therapist at the CG Konstatelier in Vianden since 2014

- offers art workshops for groups, training sessions in painting, drawing and creativity, supervision for preliminary portfolios for students

- offers team building sessions for enterprises/institutions focused on the medium Collages

- since 2003, member of the art group ARC, Luxembourg

- since 2015, member of the artistic group AAPL, Luxembourg


2003, University Marc Bloch in Strasbourg (F), Master in visual Arts, tutor M. Claude Gagean

2008, University of Luxembourg, DESS in Art therapy (equivalent to Master2), tutor Dr. Lony Schiltz


2006, Opening of the Atelier PoGo in Vianden

2009, Lecture "The setting in art therapy", University of Luxembourg

2013, design of the CD booklet "3rd Eye Supernova" by Encypher

2015, Luxembourg Shoah stamp "terror" for "1945-2015: Luxembourg recalls the 70th Anniversary since the End of World War II"

2017, Stage setting for the release party of Der Däiwel: gëllend Kallef, at the Flying Dutchman, Beaufort (Lux)

Art Shows

Exhibitions in Luxembourg,Germany, France, United Kingdom, Turkey

Annual Exhibition at the CG Konstatelier on Sunday and Monday of Pentecost during the Konscht'Our in Vianden